Professional Goals

Professional Goals

In order to continue my growth and professional development in the interpreting industry, I have developed short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals for myself. These goals have been created September of 2018. I aim to complete my short-term goals three to nine months from now. My mid-term goals are expected to be completed one to three years from now. Finally, my long-term goals do not have a finalized expectation, but will be achieved sometime after three or more years. 

Short-Term Goals

 One short-term goal that is currently in progress is graduating the interpreting program at College of Dupage. I am anticipated to graduate mid-December of 2018. Other short-term goals I have set for myself would be completing the TEP (the Test of English Proficiency), and completing the NIC Knowledge Exam. Should I pass the TEP, I anticipate to have a Provisional License, also known as a Red License. 

Mid-term Goals

In the near future,  I would like to take my BEI Basic. I hope to obtain my Intermediate License, also known as a Yellow License within the next few years. Additionally, I would like to take the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment, or EIPA, in order to fulfill a long-term goal of mine, which is interpreting in an educational setting. I anticipate taking the EIPA before taking the BEI Basic. 

Long-term Goals

My long-term goals include becoming NIC certified, as well as obtaining my BEI Advanced License, or my Green License. I plan to interpret in educational settings, do freelance work, and be signed with an agency. Eventually, once I have many years of interpreting under my belt, I would like to obtain my BEI Master License (Silver License). That is a personal goal that I will work hard to achieve.

Why Do I Stand Out?

Due to my commitment to the profession, determination for accuracy, and concern for the wellbeing of those I work with, I believe these goals will help me to stand out as an interpreter and help me to serve the Deaf and hearing community as best as I can.